Early cognitive markers of the incidence of dementia and mortality: Alongitudinal population-based study of the oldest old

B. Johansson
Bok Engelsk 1997
Side 53- 59
This study examines whether cognitive markers at prior examinationsare indicative of subsequent dementia and mortality. The sample wascomposed of subjects aged 84-90 at baseline who were reexamined threetimes over a 6-year period on a comprehensive biobehavioral battery.Dementia was evaluated at each examination using DSM-III-R criteria.Results indicated that incident cases of dementia had lower cognitivescores both 2 and 4 years prior to diagnosis, compared to non-demented survivors. Evidence for terminal decline was also found, aspeople who subsequently died also had lower cognitive performance atprior examinations, compared to non-demented survivors. The findingssuggest that mild cognitive dysfunction is an important clinicalfinding among the oldest old and may herald either the onset ofdementia or mortality.

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