A carrot is as close as a rabbit gets to a diamond

Captain Beefheart
Musikk på CD Engelsk 1993 · pop

[S.l.] : Virgin Universal ; CDVM9028 , 1993
1 CD
Captain Beefheart er psevdonym for Don Van Vliet. - Tekster og opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Innhold: Sugar bowl ; The past sure is tense ; Happy love song ; The floppy boot stomp ; Blue jeans and moonbeams ; Run paint run run ; This is the day ; Tropical hot dog night ; Observatory crest ; The host the ghost the most holy O ; Harry Irene ; I got love on my mind ; Pompadour swamp ; Love lies ; Sheriff of Hong Kong ; Further than we've gone ; Candle mambo ; Light reflected off the oceans of the moon ; A carrot is as close as a rabbit gets to a diamond
pop . - rock

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